miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

MIL TAMBORES ( A Thousand Drums) 2014

( Here a video of Mil Tambores carnival last year)

This weekend, October 3th to October 5th, the bohemian port city of Valparaíso will come alive with music, dancers and general revelry in the annual festival of Mil Tambores – a thousand drums.

The "Mil Tambores" (Thousand Drums) Carnival has established itself as a traditional carnival in the port city of the Chilean coast since 1999 as a protest against the apparent lack of public spaces for cultural artistic expression by "Porteños"- people born in Valparaíso.

Today , Valparaíso is a bomb of artistic expressions everywhere 365 days a year. However , this carnival " Mil tambores" remains as a symbol of protest to show the authorities the powerful presence of artists in the city and the strength of their joy, freedom, and dreams about a better society. 

Every year, Mil Tambores is related to a different topic. In 2013 the topic was "Por El Derecho a la Felicidad"(For the right of happiness). This year the theme is " YO CUIDO VALPARAISO" (I take care of Valparaíso) .
Come to experience this beautiful celebration of three days of colors, music and dance. 
Check the full program and schedule  on  www.miltambores.cl 
If you need some help or advice about transportation , accomodation, security and more, email to valparaisopuertomagia@gmail.com and they will help you FOR FREE. 


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